

Modular Facility for Oxide Deposition and Analysis.

The CNR-SPIN Research Unit of Naples and Salerno together with the Physics Department of the University of Naples have a considerable set of scientific equipment covering the following areas: advanced thin films deposition, micro- and nano-patterning, structural/morphological and electronic transport characterization down to ultra-low temperatures in the presence of high magnetic fields or external radiation, advanced optical characterization and spectroscopy in the wavelength range 200 – 1500 nm also time resolved, low noise electronic characterization of devices.

The core of the activity of the project dedicated to membranes fabrication is based on MODA (Modular Facility for Oxide Deposition and Analysis), a cluster system composed by a UHV Pulsed Laser Deposition system equipped with RHEED, and a UHV Multi-chambers Sputtering system, in-situ connected with X-Ray and Ultra-violet Photoemission Spectroscopy, Spot-Profile Analysis Low Energy Electron Diffraction (SPA-LEED) system and Scanning Probe Microscopy/Spectroscopy.

General info

CONTACT from the project: Dr. Alessia Sambri
CONDITION: Operative
